Our Services

White Crowns

For those who are concerned with cosmetics, we are one of the few local dental practices who offer white crowns on baby teeth.

These crowns are made of Zirconia, an extremely strong form of porcelain which looks just like natural teeth.

They are very useful for rebuilding teeth when there has been severe decay or fracture of a front or back baby tooth. For adult teeth, we can also offer custom-made crowns and veneers for teeth with large areas of decay, soft enamel, discolouration or fractures. We also offer a host of minimally invasive cosmetic treatments for front adult teeth including whitening, microabrasion, sealing and an advanced technique called resin infiltration.

Did you know we also offer sleep dentistry (general anaesthetic) for children who struggle to cope with conventional dental treatment? Click here to learn more

Bendigo Children's Dentistry - Paediatric Dentist white crowns
White crowns
Our Services

White Crowns

For those who are concerned with cosmetics, we are one of the few local dental practices who offer white crowns on baby teeth.

These crowns are made of Zirconia, an extremely strong form of porcelain which looks just like natural teeth.

Bendigo Children's Dentistry - Paediatric Dentist white crowns
White crowns

They are very useful for rebuilding teeth when there has been severe decay or fracture of a front or back baby tooth. For adult teeth, we can also offer custom-made crowns and veneers for teeth with large areas of decay, soft enamel, discolouration or fractures. We also offer a host of minimally invasive cosmetic treatments for front adult teeth including whitening, microabrasion, sealing and an advanced technique called resin infiltration.

Did you know we also offer sleep dentistry (general anaesthetic) for children who struggle to cope with conventional dental treatment? Click here to learn more

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