Our Services

Infant Oral Care

At Bendigo Children’s Dentistry, we are trained in the management of several dental abnormalities.

These can occur in infancy including lip and tongue ties, natal and neo-natal teeth, gum cysts and other malformations of the mouth and jaw.

We work closely with midwives, lactation consultants and other health professionals to gain the best outcomes for your child.

Did you know that the best time for your child’s first dental visit is generally soon after their first teeth come through at around 6-12 months of age? Click here to learn more about our minimally invasive preventive options to optimise dental health.

Bendigo Children's Dentistry - Paediatric Dentist infants
Our Services

Infant Oral Care

At Bendigo Children’s Dentistry, we are trained in the management of several dental abnormalities.

These can occur in infancy including lip and tongue ties, natal and neo-natal teeth, gum cysts and other malformations of the mouth and jaw.

Bendigo Children's Dentistry - Paediatric Dentist infants

We work closely with midwives, lactation consultants and other health professionals to gain the best outcomes for your child.

Did you know that the best time for your child’s first dental visit is generally soon after their first teeth come through at around 6-12 months of age? Click here to learn more about our minimally invasive preventive options to optimise dental health.

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